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What is the Angler's Club?

Annual dues are $20. Significant others and minor children are included in your membership. We usually have a guest speaker each month including many local guides and tackle manufacturers.

The Club normally holds numerous derbies during the year for Salmon, Trout, Kokanee, Sturgeon and Shad to name a few. The entry fee is $10 and the payouts are $100, $50 and $25.

We also normally have a Summer Pot-Luck Picnic and a February Pizza Feed. We have a raffle at the close of each meeting with lots of great prizes.

We welcome all anglers from novices to experts.





            TURN IN POACHERS


Oregon State Police now will have an easy way to contact dispatchers on your Smartphone to report a fish or wildlife crime. Just set up  your phone to dial *677 to report.



Coos Bay/Gold Beach, Ore. —Anglers with the two-rod validation will be able to use two rods in Coos Bay and the Rogue River beginning on Aug. 1, under a temporary rule adopted by ODFW this month.

Effective Aug. 1 to Sept. 30, Coos Bay anglers who have a 2018 two-rod validation will be able to use two rods while fishing for Chinook salmon or hatchery coho salmon where fishing is open to salmon in Coos Bay (Coos Bay, Coos River, South Fork Coos River from mouth to the head of tide at Dellwood, Millicoma River).

Rogue River anglers with a two-rod validation will be able to use two rods from Aug. 1 to Sept. 3 (please note different closing date) while fishing for Chinook salmon or hatchery Coho salmon where fishing is open to salmon in the Rogue River from the mouth upstream to Ferry Hole Boat Ramp (RM 5) near Gold Beach.

In both areas, only one rod may be used when fishing for species other than salmon.

Join Us for Our Meetings




Steelhead Derby and Salmon Derby opened 1 Jan 2025 and remain open until Dec 31st.






Club meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at Center 50+ in Salem, OR.


See the Newsletter for additional information about meetings, speakers, and opportunities.

ANNUAL PIZZA FEED is in February at Wallery's in West Salem. The Pizza Feed is for PAID UP Members and their Families. Cost Is $3.00 

The Club will supply Pizza, Salad and drinks.

We will have a raffle for various prizes.

ANNUAL Potluck Picnic is in July at Maud Williamson State Park. The Picnic is for Members, friends, and their Families. Fish is usually donated and fried by members. Participants provide potluck sides and/or deserts and the Club provides drinks. There is a ladderball tournement for prizes. 

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